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Discover the taste and texture of BeanStalk’s authentic Pulled Meat (vegetable protein crumbles). Perfect for your favorite dishes, this product offers a delicious and nutritious alternative to traditional pulled meat, without compromising your ethical values. Rich in essential nutrients and with a balanced nutritional profile, our Pulled Meat is ideal for a healthy and sustainable diet.







Water, Soy Protein Powder (10%), Soy Protein Isolate (10%), Wheat Gluten, Spices, Corn Starch, Tomato Paste, Soybean Oil (1.85%), Salt, Yeast Extract, Sugar, Konjac Flour, Flavorings, Iron, Vitamin B12.


CONTIENE: Soja y Gluten.
PUEDE CONTENER: Trazas de Apio, Mostaza y Sésamo.

Valores para Valor Unidad
Energy 500 / 119 kJ / kcal per 100g
Fats 2,6 g per 100g
of which saturated 0,6 g per 100g
Total carbohydrates 6,0 g per 100g
de los cuales azúcares 0,7 g por 100g
Fiber 2,6 g per 100g
Proteins 17 g per 100g
Salt 1,4 g per 100g
Iron 3,9 mg per 100g
Vitamin B12 55 µg per 100g

If you need anything else, don't hesitate to let me know.

Keep frozen. Re-freezing is not recommended. If kept frozen, use before the date printed on the package.

  • Frying Pan: Preheat a tablespoon of oil in a skillet and cook the thawed vegetable protein for 3-4 minutes, adding BBQ sauce and/or your favorite spices. Stir frequently with a spoon until lightly browned.


Protein. Lots of it.

If you follow a plant-based diet, there’s nothing you don’t already know about the importance of high-protein products. And if you don’t, take note:

  1. Nutritious and Satiating: Follow a balanced diet without sacrificing essential proteins and controlling your appetite and weight, as they prolong the feeling of satiety for longer.
  2. Perfect for vegans and vegetarians: Rich and complete source of protein to complement your plant-based diet.
  3. Perfect for non-vegans and non-vegetarians: Yes, because they are also ideal for athletes, the elderly and people with specific diets or diets low in meat, or for those seeking to reduce their meat consumption without losing protein.
  4. Sustainable: Reduce the environmental impact associated with meat production.
An option to take into account if you care about yourself, your health and the health of the planet.


Plant-Based Diet? B12. Yes or yes. Want to know why?

  1. Your brain and nervous system, in top form: Vitamin B12 is essential for red blood cell formation and neurological function. Keep your brain and nervous system healthy, reducing the risk of neurological problems and improving your mental well-being.
  2. Energy and metabolism: B12 is key for DNA synthesis and energy production, helping to fight fatigue and improving your physical and mental performance.
  3. Improves your mood: Contributes to emotional stability and reduces stress and anxiety.
  4. Ideal for Plant-Based Diets:Our products provide a convenient and accessible source of vitamin B12, an essential nutrient not found naturally in plant foods. This is especially important for vegetarians and vegans, who often have difficulty getting enough B12 from their diets.
What, how are you doing on B12?

Fibra. Fibra. Fibra. Cada vez más importante en tu día a día

  1. Salud Digestiva: Te ayuda a mantener la regularidad intestinal y previene el estreñimiento.

  2. Regulación del Azúcar: Ralentiza la absorción de azúcar, manteniendo niveles estables.

  3. Control del peso: Aumenta la saciedad, ayudando a controlar la ingesta de alimentos.

  4. Colesterol: Disminuye el colesterol LDL, mejorando la salud cardiovascular.

  5. Microbiota intestinal: Favorece una microbiota saludable, mejorando la digestión.

  6. Aporte nutricional: Ofrece un perfil nutricional equilibrado, similar al de la carne tradicional (o incluso mejor).

  7. Transición a dietas Plant-Based: Facilita la adaptación a dietas vegetales.

  8. Salud cardiovascular: Regula la presión arterial y reduce la inflamación.

  9. Salud metabólica: Mejora la sensibilidad a la insulina y regula el metabolismo energético.

  10. Dieta equilibrada: Ayuda a alcanzar la ingesta diaria recomendada de fibra.

Iron surge. For?

  1. Prevents anemia: Avoids fatigue and weakness.
  2. Cognitive health: plays an essential role in brain function and helps a lot to keep your mind sharp.
  3. Energy, endurance and optimal absorption: improve your energy and physical performance. It shows. A lot.
I'm sure you knew that, right?
but it's always good to
remind yourself of it.

Proteína. Mucha.

Si sigues una dieta plant-based, no hay nada que no sepas ya sobre la importancia de los productos altos en proteína. Y si no, apunta:

  1. Nutritivos y Saciantes: Sigue una dieta equilibrada sin sacrificar proteínas esenciales y controlando tu apetito y peso, ya que prolongan la sensación de saciedad durante más tiempo.
  2. Perfectos para veganos y vegetarianos: Fuente rica y completa de proteínas para complementar tu dieta basada en plantas.
  3. Perfectos para no veganos ni vegetarianos: Porque sí, porque también son ideales para atletas, personas mayores y con dietas específicas o pobres en carne, o para quienes buscan reducir su consumo de carne sin perder proteínas.
  4. Sostenibles: Reducen el impacto ambiental asociado con la producción de carne.
Una opción a tener muy muy en cuenta si te preocupas por ti, por tu salud y también por la del planeta

Our products are Vegan!

They are designed to offer a delicious and nutritious culinary experience with multiple benefits:

  1. Complete nutritional profile: They offer essential nutrients similar to those of meat, perfect for a balanced and healthy diet.
  2. Ideal for plant-based diets: They are ideal for vegetarians, vegans, flexitarians and reducetarians, providing essential nutrients in a convenient way.
  3. Versatility in the kitchen: They adapt easily to different recipes, providing flavor and nutrition in every bite.
  4. Sustainability: Reduce the environmental impact associated with meat production, supporting more sustainable practices.
Choose our vegan products and enjoy all these benefits while taking care of yourself and the planet - join the plant-based revolution with BeanStalk!

Fiber. Fiber. Fiber. Increasingly important in your daily life

  1. Digestive Health: Helps maintain bowel regularity and prevents constipation.

  2. Sugar Regulation: Slows down sugar absorption, maintaining stable levels.

  3. Weight control: Increases satiety, helping to control food intake.

  4. Cholesterol: Lowers LDL cholesterol, improving cardiovascular health.

  5. Intestinal microbiota: Promotes a healthy microbiota, improving digestion.

  6. Nutritional contribution: It offers a balanced nutritional profile, similar to that of traditional meat (or even better).

  7. Transition to Plant-Based diets: Facilitates adaptation to plant-based diets.

  8. Cardiovascular health: Regulates blood pressure and reduces inflammation.

  9. Metabolic health: Improves insulin sensitivity and regulates energy metabolism.

  10. Balanced diet: Helps to reach the recommended daily intake of fiber.